Marcala, Honduras

Partner: International Medical Relief
Date: Various
Program Cost: $2,400
Provider: Physician, Nurse, Non-medical, Dentist, Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, NP, PA, RN, APP, Primary Care, Dermatology, ER, FP, IM

Medical setting:

International Medical Relief first served Honduras in 2018 and has since cared for 2,700 patients through 70 staff and volunteers. IMR continues to strive for the goal of providing sustainable health care by contributing medical services, medicine, supplies, training and education to the community.

With diligent planning and preparation, IMR is dedicated to ensuring that specific goals are met on our missions, each in correlation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 17.

IMR works to elevate vulnerable populations through shoulder-to-shoulder care with our local partners, creating workforce density, and a cadre of future healthcare and public health leaders in association to UNSDG 3: Good Health & Wellbeing.

In correlation with UNSDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, our organization works in collaboration and at the request of local hosts where we are under their direct influence and affluence. IMR never goes into a country without a formal invitation where there is a great community need for medical or dental care, and health education.

Cultural experience:

The highlight of this trip is certainly the indigenous communities and the townspeople who cannot wait to open their doors and hearts to your IMR team. But of course, there is more. Get ready for waterfalls, caves, and ziplining!

El Chiflador Waterfalls
Enjoy a very special hike high up in the mountains to the famous El Chiflador Waterfalls.   This stunning place is more than just a waterfall. Wander through forest paths past stunning aqua waters that you can swim in. The majestic waterfall is located in the village of La Estanzuela, in the municipality of Marcala, surrounded by a great vegetation of pines, oaks, and wild plants that make the landscape splendid. This waterfall is so enchanting that it offers special moments, becoming the perfect place for a refreshing visit and souvenir photos.

Giant’s Cave
Located a few meters from the La Estanzuela Waterfall, this archaeological site is one of the most amazing and important in the country. It is considered by archaeologists as the place where the first settlers of Honduras, and perhaps all of Central America, lived. It measures about 30 meters high from the surface of the mouth to the highest roof, 25 wide and eight deep.

Extreme Canopy Ziplining
Optional opportunity: If you’re up for the adventure, you can participate in canopy adventure ziplining!  Extreme Canopy El Chiflador is an activity for adventure lovers where you can enjoy nature and have fun at the same time. It is called Extreme Canopy because it is the highest in Central America and Honduras. Adventure lovers will find the Extreme Canopy El Chiflador in the La Mogola village, located about 5 kilometers from the central park. The zipline has six cables that will carry you over imposing pine trees and through a majestic waterfall 80 meters high. It was declared one of the most extreme zip lines in Honduras and Central America.

Program includes:

One of the most exciting things about this trip is the indigenous communities you will serve in.  The ancient inhabitants of the area were the Lencas and they called the site “de las Piedras” (“of the Stones” in English), due to the land’s topography. This is revealed by the information stored in the ecclesiastical census of Fernando Cadiñanos in 1971, registered under the name of “Valles de las Piedras” (Valley of the Stones), in the district of the parish of Ajuterique.

Its archaeological remains, the natural wealth, and the kindness of its people make this a perfect destination to visit and enjoy its charms.  Caves have been discovered that house samples of rock art and vestiges of disappeared civilizations from 3,000 years ago.  It is also known for the excellent coffee that is produced throughout the region and the exquisite gastronomic variety that it offers.

In addition to working with the indigenous communities, we will work to make a tremendous difference in the health of the community through dental care, medical care, and education. We will also work with local Honduran doctors, dentists, nurses, and public health experts on this trip, and the learning exchanges will be a true highlight of your time in Honduras.

About International Medical Relief

International Medical Relief was founded in 2002 on the belief that knowledge of basic health facts and access to healthcare should not be the prerogative of select nations, regions, or classes, but should be shared by as many people as possible. We undertake our work to include some of the millions of people who have been excluded from today’s healthcare systems worldwide.

During our clinics, we partner with local medical and dental professionals to share knowledge about diagnoses and treatment. We also provide community health education so that people are empowered to provide for their own health, as well as for the health of other community members.