Guest Blogger: Don England, Weatherby
I serve on the board of directors for Rebuilding Together Broward County and take part in the [Re]Builds in communities throughout the year.
Rebuilding Together Broward County works to bring volunteers and communities together to improve the lives of low-income homeowners and neighborhoods in need.
Since its start in June 2003, Rebuilding Together has made immediate, long-term, and significant health and safety repairs to nearly 850 homes, changing the lives of more than 2,200 individuals. The estimated retail value of Rebuilding Together services is more than $7,500,000 based on financial donations, volunteer labor, and donated materials and supplies offered by dozens of local businesses and companies.
2020 has certainly proven that our homes are the safest location during a pandemic. I take a lot of pride and joy in my home’s esthetics and functionality as well as the financial leverage and foundation. I welcome friends and family to my home to enjoy gatherings, meals and hospitality. Simply, I believe are homes are the backdrop to our lives. Therefore, I find a lot of joy in helping our community ensure that all homeowners can have a safe, functional and beautiful home.