2022 Annual Report

Dear Friends of the Making a Difference Foundation,

Our annual report theme this year is passion and is best summed up by this quote from Georg Hegel, “Nothing great in this world is ever accomplished without passion.”

Hopefully, 2022 allowed each of you to create your new normal after two years of a life-changing pandemic. With this return to normal, I also hope that you began to explore and engage in your passions again. This was certainly true for the Making a Difference Foundation.

The transition to our new normal helped reignite our passion for the work of the foundation and it shows with what we accomplished. Last year, we added several new grant programs designed to expand our support of CHG teams and employees volunteering in their local communities. In addition, we partnered with CHG Healthcare and International Medical Relief to conduct the first ever large-scale humanitarian project to help the people of Ukraine. Through this joint effort, the Making a Difference Foundation was able to provide $97,000 in financial support to send medical equipment and providers to give essential and needed medical treatment for those fleeing the war. Combined with CHG employees building over 5,000 hygiene kits and sending volunteers to Poland on an employee volunteer trip, this project was a phenomenal example of how our shared passion, about caring for others in need, can make a huge difference. The foundation also reengaged our passion for many of the programs that we had to put on hold during the last few years. Over the past twelve months, we increased grants to nonprofits in our local communities, provided sustainable healthcare to the underserved, and supported healthcare providers attending medical missions.

This annual report is filled with more information and stories about the passion of individuals giving their time, talents, and treasures to do good in the world.  We hope you will take the time to read our 2022 Annual Report and thank you all for your ongoing support of the Making a Difference Foundation.






Kevin Ricklefs
President, Making a difference Foundation

About the author

Sarah Trescott

I am passionate about our focus to help ignite and amplify the passions of others. Some of my passions include: making healthcare more accessible, helping providers find medical missions, playing ice hockey, reading a great book, and enjoying the amazing Utah mountains.

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